Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Medstar's Three Card Monte

Medstar Surgical has developed it's own twist on a classic con game, three card Monte. The whole point of the game is, the house always wins.

Card 1: Zeb Pirzada, Medstar's president, agreed in our phone conversation of February 11 to do his best to find me a power loaner chair. He agreed the repairs my wheelchair needs would have been unnecessary had my new chair been provided in a timely manner.

Card 2: Ruth's admission a few days later that Mr. Pirzada was on vacation and no loaner chair was available.

Card 3: Medstar's director of rehab, Gerry Dickerson, email of February 21, stating they would not be providing me a loaner chair and they could not assume responsibility for the cost of repairs to my wheelchair.

Okay, do they talk to one another at Medstar? How come I get differing stories from everyone I speak with? Gerry, are you aware of what Mr. Pirzada said to me? Can anyone get a straight answer out of Medstar? NO! That's what three card Monte's all about - slight of hand and the house always wins!

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