Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter to St. Charles Hospital re: Medstar Surgical's Misrepresentations

February 25, 2011
Marc E. Charest
256 Sebonac Road
Southampton, NY 11968

Mr. James O’Connor, Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Craig Smested, Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Jennifer Semel, Director Physical Medicine
Mr. Dante Latorre, Vice President Care & Quality Management Services
St. Charles Hospital
200 Belle Terre Road
Port Jefferson, NY 11777

Re: Wheelchair clinic and Medstar Surgical.

Dear Sirs & Madams,

On or about August 11, 2010, I was at St. Charles’ wheelchair clinic being fitted for a new power wheelchair. Present was your physical therapist Lauren, a representative of Pride Mobility Products, Rudy, and a salesperson from Medstar Surgical and Breathing, Gail. At the time I was under the impression Gail worked at the wheelchair clinic. Unfortunately, I do not know any of their last names.

While at the clinic, Gail and Rudy stated to me a loaner power chair would be available should I need it.

In the intervening six months, Gail, her assistant Janine and others from Medstar Surgical have misled me regarding the status of the application to Medicare for my new wheelchair. I was told at various times since August that application had been made, they were waiting for paperwork from the wheelchair clinic, or other excuses. I was told at various times the chair would be ready in October, November and then January. As each deadline passed I was the one that had to initiate contact with Medstar for a status update. And, suspiciously, each time I called there arose a new paperwork problem just prior to my phone call.

I left a message asking for an update from Medstar on February 1, 2011. I expected imminent delivery of my wheelchair. On February 8, 2011, six months after my visit to the wheelchair clinic, I contacted Medstar for a status update and found they had still not made application to Medicare. Again, they requested more information from the wheelchair clinic. After I read Medstar the riot act, made numerous other phone calls and even started a blog to pressure Medstar, ( Medstar has supposedly made application to Medicare on or about February 16, 2011. However I do not have any proof they have made application.

I am quite aware that it is difficult to get complex medical equipment approved by Medicare. But Medstar’s delays have put me in an untenable situation. I have a wheelchair that needs new tires, new batteries, a new armrest and repairs to at least one motor. It’s failure is imminent. Medicare and Medicaid will not pay for these repairs, estimated at $1,200, and I cannot afford to pay for them.

By Medstar’s own admission, they have made numerous mistakes. In conversations with Zeb Pirzada, president of Medstar on February 11, he agreed to look for a power loaner chair for me while I wait for a new chair. He also agreed the repairs my current chair needs would not have been necessary had my new chair been provided in a timely manner. This week, I received an email from Gerry Dickerson, Medstar’s director of rehab stating no loaner chair was forthcoming nor would they accept responsibility for repairs. Mr. Pirzada is now unavailable for a response.

Given the callous nature of Medstar’s personnel and their deceptive business practices, I have several questions for your organization:

1- Can St. Charles please act on my behalf to encourage Medstar to provide the promised loaner wheelchair or repair my current chair and ensure their performance in providing me a new wheelchair?

2- What actions will St. Charles take to prevent Medstar from taking advantage of other patients?

3- Is St. Charles prepared to take responsibility for the substandard care I have received through the wheelchair clinic?

I rely on my wheelchair for independence and safety. I am alone a large portion of the day and the inadequate chair I am in now jeopardizes my well being.

Please provide me with copies of any and all documents and correspondence in my file. I look forward to your response to the above.


Marc E.. Charest

Zeb Pirzada, President, Medstar Surgical
Pride Mobility Products Corp.
The Joint Commission
-Incident #21408SCA-71532CMS
Congressman Timothy Bishop
News 12 Long Island


  1. Your not alone Marc. We are currently waiting 2 months for Lauren to write up her evaluation for insurance approval. Last call we were told we were harassing her after she promised report would be submitted a week prior.
    I'm curious if her transportation broke down and was sitting on the springs of her car seat would she get impatient?. I think it's time to get rid of the dead wood and hire some people who are committed in their work ethics and especially for disabled!

  2. Daniel - Sorry for the slow reply. I recommend talking to Gregg Blanchard at Hudson Mobility (516.833.1797) for the vendor and getting evaluated at Southside hospital. After returning my chair to "Mudstar" I also bailed on St.Charles. Hudson and Southside got my chair lightening quick. Good luck!
