Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Medstar Surgical Abusing Medicare Patient's Rights - Again!

I delivered my wheelchair to Medstar Surgical and Breathing Corp. on May 31, 2011 so they could modify it to suit my needs (see previous post). The estimated time for repairs was about two hours of labor. After six weeks I got a call on Thursday July 7, 2011 saying it was ready but there was a Medicare problem. I called Medicare and it took me seven minutes to solve the problem.

I then called Medstar telling them how to verify the problem was fixed that same day (Thursday). My social worker called them Friday with the same message. Monday I got no call. Tuesday I called again and had to explain it a third time. I was promised a call by the end of the day. No call came.

I called again today, Wednesday, July 13, 2011 and left a message. Still no call back. Medstar seems to shit all over patient's rights with impunity. Medstar received payment for this wheelchair three months ago. They apparently have no motivation to finally deliver the chair now that they have lined their pockets.

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